Youth & Children
Groups and activities for various ages
We enjoy involving the children and young people at the beginning of our service at 11am on Sundays.  They normally leave after about 15 minutes for their own groups.

A team of leaders work hard to so that the children’s time together is high quality and lots of fun.  Our aim is that every young person hears the good news of Jesus Christ from the Bible, and is lovingly challenged to live for him day-to-day.  We do our best to do that in a way that is engaging and entertaining.

Our children’s work is split into different age groups and the teenagers stay in for the sermon and then go out for their own discussion following that.

Groups at the morning service

Creche & Pre-school (0-4 yr olds)
A creche & pre-school is available during our 11am morning service. All children from newborns up to age 4 are welcome. There are lots of toys and books, and friendly leaders to look after and engage the children.
Grace Gang (Reception to Year 6)
Grace Gang involves lots of mad games, some crazy crafts, puzzles to solve, exciting stories and singing. The idea is that we have a great time together and learn about Jesus from the Bible. Everyone is welcome.
Youth Group (Year 7-13)
The teenagers stay in for the talk in the main service and then go out with their leaders to discuss and explore from the bible passage they have just heard taught.

For more information about our youth groups, feel free to contact the